Friday, March 20, 2009

Where'd My Wallet Go?

So, I couldn't find my wallet this morning. Looked everywhere for it. Yesterday's pair of pants, under the bed, in the car, on the kitchen counter... Then, while searching, I glanced at a newspaper:

House passes 90% tax on AIG bonuses. (Disregards unconstitutionality of the bill.)

Philly mayor proposes 36% property tax hike, new sales tax in $3.84 billion budget.

Illinois governor wants to raise income tax by 50%.

Budget deficit reaches $1.8 TRILLION.

And my favorite...

Federal government debt greater than the combined income of the the whole world!

After seeing all this I noticed my wallet lying on the floor by the back door. It was empty, except for a business card from my congressman, with the handwritten note, "Sorry I missed you, but thanks for your support." And this in tiny print, "Paid for with taxpayer dollars."

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