In addition to discussing "motors", Clarkson is a thinker. He writes frequently on culture, politics, and "nitwits" in his Top Gear blog and in the Times of London. His bio from the Times describes him thus:
Jeremy Clarkson's career as car reviewer and BBC Top Gear presenter has made motoring into show business, but he has earned himself the description of an "equal opportunities loudmouth" for his opinionated commentary on all aspects of life.You might guess that my affinity for Mr. Clarkson is based on more than his reviews of Aston Martins, and you are correct. I also like his voice. No, no, there's more. On many topics, I agree with his point of view. He's unapologetically British, as I'm unapologetically American, and that pretty much boils down to both of us wanting everyone else to bugger off and leave us alone to enjoy life as we see fit. He also has no compunctions about calling Communists, well, Communists, e.g., the Chinese, union laborers, and quite a few politicians. Perhaps not too surprisingly, some in Britain (and maybe some in America) would like to see Mr. Clarkson elected Prime Minister. I say, "BULLY!" To preview a potential PM Clarkson's policies, you can read about how he would rule the world, here.
I'll leave you with a teaser for Jeremy and Top Gear. Here he is, all 6 foot 5 inches of him, in the world's smallest car.
My former favorite Brit, you ask? This guy:

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