Have you heard about this credit crisis thing? Yeah, been kinda popular in the press lately. Lots of stories of problems, write-downs, foreclosures, layoffs, fraud, defaults, and failures in the real estate and financial markets. Given that, which groups of workers do you think have been crying themselves to sleep every night?
So, imagine my grin when a friend forwarded me this flyer for a business networking event in Philadelphia.

Unless the drink special is
Jonestown Kool-Aid, I don't think this will be a particulary "Happy" hour for those young professionals. My advice to them, save your money and spend your time looking for a refrigerator box. You'll need it after the bank you once did business with repossesses your BMW and your shiny new condo. But don't feel too bad, when the bank takes the condo back, it will only be worth 1/3 as much as your mortgage, so the bank is really doing you a favor. And the labor market is not all bad... I hear that
demand for crop pickers is sky high. Cheers!
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